I’m so fucking tired of all of this, they literally attempted to hit Kremlin with drone before a week and Russia still didn’t curb stomp them for some reason. Hundreds are dying in Donbas still, this has been going on since 2014, Donbas is still not free, soldiers are dying, I don’t even know at this point. What’s the problem in just evaporating Kiev, clown and his neo nazi regime and be done with it? I don’t even know how their army is still functionally operating after all the weapons and infrastructure destroyed and crippled, hundreds of thousands of soldiers killed and hundreds dying daily.

Hordes of nazis on the internet and news don’t show signs of stopping of talking about Ukraine 24/7 even after more than a year of this madness.

I literally can’t take it anymore, when will this end?

  • @Mzuark
    91 year ago

    Honestly at this point, I’m starting to think NATO, Ukraine, whoever is actively trying to goad Russia to start an actual extermimation campaign. Whether it’s fucking nukes, disease or chemical weapons, they need some kind of red line to justify all this expense and a hot war with Russia that will be accepted by the citizens of America and Europe. Because you’re totally right, why the kiddie gloves are still on after an attack on the Kremlin is a question you can write a novel about.

    I want Russia to save those people in the Donbas and stop these neo-nazi clowns but at this point, they really should just pull out. This isn’t going anywhere because of all the NATO support artifically keeping Ukraine in the fight.

    • @comdev
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      151 year ago

      All Russia has to do is to wait until US election campaign starts or US economy collapses, whichever comes first. Even British neocon media is now admitting this that Ukraine regime’s time is running out.

      NATO is not able to keep up with Russia in terms of weapons production, and the strain the war has put on western economies is becoming unbearable for the people in the west. Meanwhile, as neocon British media points out, Russia’s economy is doing fine. In fact, Russia is back into top 10 global economies by GDP for the first time since 2014.

      Russia obviously understands all this, so they’re just holding the line and destroying Ukraine’s weapons and supplies using the air force which now flies unchallenged over Ukraine because their air defences are now depleted.

      • @CountryBreakfast
        81 year ago

        They raised interest rates back in February-March and it caused all sorts of problems including bank failures. There are a lot of cracks and strains on the economy. Who knows what will happen but it’s certainly possible the US will be in a full blown depression in a few years. But even then, there is so much russiaphobia and resentment it is hard to imagine Europe or the US letting anything force them to back down. There is too much at stake for both sides.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
          71 year ago

          I think US is most definitely headed for an economic crash. There’s a great recent interview with Hudson where he does a good overview of the situation. While there is a lot of russophobia in the west, people care about their material conditions more. What we’re seeing happening in France right now will spread to other western countries soon.

          People’s standard of living is collapsing across the western sphere and unless the governments start focusing on that then there will be riots. Spending billions propping up a proxy war with Russia isn’t going to be politically feasible going forward. I recommend reading up on the history of US invasion of Vietnam. There are a lot of parallels between the economic crash that triggered and what’s happening now. Eventually, US was forced to abandon the war because their economy couldn’t support it.

          • @CountryBreakfast
            31 year ago

            The problem is that imperialism is in the material interest of Americans and as of now it’s not Americans dying in Ukraine which makes the pressure to let it go less pronounced than Vietnam.

            Biden has pushed the whole democracy vs autocracy narrative and I struggle greatly in my day to day life to find anyone that doesn’t align with that narrative one way or another, regardless of partisanship, regardless of education level. This is ultimately nurturing fascism which will present itself as leftist. They are already refining their rhetoric in ways they haven’t dared in decades.

            At the end of the day my perspective is tainted by being surrounded by dangerous people that aspire to have professional careers in imperialism, but ultimately I fear their sensibilities will win out and enough Americans will go along. History is just not as on our side as I would like. Not to be intentionally pessimistic but IMO we communists in the US are 100 years too late and $100B short, and meanwhile even the project in China may not be able to move fast enough to outrun history.

            IMO the only guaranteed positive is that all paths forward for the US are frustrated by partisanship and ideological dogma. Each side will try to sabatoge the other, but if things grow dire then compromise will become more possible much like during the depression/FDR years.

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
              51 year ago

              While imperialists obviously don’t care about the interests of Americans, there is growing discontent domestically and I don’t think it can be entirely ignored especially if the economy keep unravelling.

              The other aspect is that this creates room for opportunists like Trump to come in and say that the reason economy is collapsing is that Biden got US into a pointless proxy war. This is increasingly becoming a popular narrative with the republicans. I expect this trend to continue going forward.

              It’s one thing to buy into slogans like democracy vs autocracy and put flag in your Twttier bio, it’s quite another not being able to pay your bills and put food on the table. When push comes to shove people in US aren’t going to be willing to sacrifice everything to keep a proxy war going.

              Another thing to consider is you’ll see very different views depending on what demographic you interact with. People who still have decent jobs and aren’t personally affected by the economic decline are going to be supportive of what the regime is doing. However, that constitutes an ever shrinking percentage of the population. Last stat I saw was that over 40% of the people now want the war to end regardless of whether Ukraine loses territory or not.

              I definitely agree that there will be a lot of attempts from republicans and democrats to sabotage one another, and on top of that the general public is becoming increasingly tribal. So, it’s going to be hard to get any sort of national unity to do anything.

              Finally, we have the wild card which is the climate crisis. US now has massive climate disasters each and every year, these cause massive economic damage and displace large numbers of people. If there’s another huge wild fire, or a massive tornado, or a hurricane, a heat wave, or a combination of these things, that could have a huge social and economic impact on the country.