We know that the history of all know societies is the history of class struggle, invluding slave societies (ancient greece, ancient rome) and feudal societies (middle age europe). So there must have been revolutions from the oppressed classes against their respective ruling classes. Are there any Marxist texts that describe these revolutions?

  • Muad'DibberA
    73 years ago

    I haven’t read all these, but here’s some that I know of:

    • https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt183h0q4 - this is supposed to be good, going over things like the bronze age
    • engels - origin of the family, private property, and the state. I’ve read this and it’s very good. Focuses on the transition from hunter gathering to agriculture.
    • parenti - assassination of julius caesar , supposed to be very good for rome.
    • Cockshott - how the world works. I’m halfway done with this, it’s more focused on how historical tech and material advancements changed the nature of classes, and less about specific countries, but it’s good so far. Has good stuff on slave societies and tech, and feudal ones.
    • Hobsbawms ages series, I’ve read parts of this, I personally didn’t like it too much tho.
    • I forget which books but marx and engels wrote a good deal about the medieval era. There was also some very good parts of this recent book I read, divided world, divided class, than went over the medieval transition to capitalism.