THIS motivated the “current largest labor action in USA”? Not the countless other reasons but THIS?

US petty burgies at Sigliberalism are apparently mad their comission-fueled comfortable life are being endangered and are trying to twist Marx to defend it. Also they suddenly started to love IP and cry crocodile tears about poor artists being ripped.

Also lol the donwnvotes in this thread are something entirely else, guy just shared his (admittely non-40k style) pics and every positivity for him is being dogpiled.

    • JucheBot1988
      131 year ago

      I get that’s the theoretical framework, but all the images I’ve seen seem weirdly recycled – like those of a second-rate art student who spends his time making pastiches of better artists’ work. I imagine it’s because the machine, unlike the human artist, is basically limited by the dataset, and as a result the images it produces don’t look unique in our eyes?

      I will say the Juche scholar in me revolts whenever I hear people in the industry use words like “intelligence” and “training” – human concepts – in talking about machines. No machine is ever truly intelligent, because it does not possess what Kim Jong-Il describes as “independence:” the ability to act in a way that is not predetermined by some basic perimeters like instinct. Calling the thing AI still reeks to me of tech industry hype.

      • @PolandIsAStateOfMindOP
        1 year ago

        Yes, it’s definitely premature to call it AI, and it have entire mountain of discussions behind the issue, but that box is already open and the term sticked. The fact it was always very nebulous didn’t helped.

      • Rasm653u [He/him] 🔻
        41 year ago

        I apologise if I sound antagonistic, but what do you think we should call it instead of AI?

        • loathesome dongeater
          1 year ago

          Machine learning and neural networks are better terms. Marketing ghouls in big tech firms have squatted over “artificial intelligence” so stuff like GPT, Dall-e, etc. has become synonymous with AI. But the truth is that these neural nets are a modern subset of AI which as a field of study has existed long before the progenitors of these softwares were conceived.

          AI is a very general term. Like if you write an algorithm to play chess where pick a random piece belongs to you and make a random legal move with it, it is technically still artificial intelligence though it will be terrible at its job (playing chess).

          Marketing ghouls are hard at work to make it look like nonsense generators such as gpt 3 or 4 are the logical step before artificial general intelligence. News outlets are busy debating about the “threat” of the pie in the sky “artificial general intelligence” to churn out sensational headlines while ignoring that these softwares exist to displace workers so that corporations can cut down their labour costs. This is their pitch of companies like OpenAI to their VC investors.

          • Rasm653u [He/him] 🔻
            51 year ago

            I did not expect such a detailed response, but I appreciate it nonetheless