rent-free…as mao-senpai wanted

    • relay
      1 year ago

      At the beginning it feels like the show kind of is an allegory for someone with mental illness that gives them very little time that they can actually be productive. She has her desire to improve herself by gaining more crystals so that she can use her magic more effectively and stay in her adult form longer. When she is in the child form, she is less capable of achieving her personal goals (improving herself with more crystals). When she is in the child form, she kind of is out of spoons. Most of the magic per day she needs to spend working for the petit bourgeoisie restaurant owner in her adult form in order to pay that restaurant owner’s sister rent for the tiny flat with not that much money to spare. This suppresses her potential. She could become the most complete version of herself if she had more time to look for crystals, so she could use magic to more effectively find more crystals.

      There is a funny scene where she demonstrates to the restaurant owner that she had magic, and the restaurant owner seemed indifferent to magic, then asked Jahay if this magic can be used to clean dishes faster, which Jahay, in her pride, did, thus the restaurant owner found out that her having more crystals, means Jahay can be exploited more effectively. Jahay in the end does not actually gain that much time where she can use magic for looking for more crystals (self improvement) because that magic is still being used to benefit the restaurant owner and she still ends up out of spoons after her shift.

      Her other demon colegues found more lucrative jobs and used the extra time and money to gain more crystals. It seems to demons, that the more crystals that they have, the more effective they are. Jahey had a bad start, thus can’t get ahead and is stuck in a cycle of living paycheck to paycheck and very little time to get herself out of this situation with more crystals. A situation entirely set up by the restaraunt owner and landlord. Jahey could get out of this, but to do so, would require her to experience homelessness, which she’s too proud to go without a roof.

      The fact that Jahay was a little shit abusive feudal lord in her home country does not negate that her current position in society. She is functionally a mentally ill restaraunt worker that lives paycheck to paycheck and has little time to improve herself to actualize her personal goals.

      Maybe I’m a bit of an idealist, but the thing that pisses me off about capitalism the most is how much potential is wasted forcing people to do menial jobs when we have the ability to have everyone contribute to keeping society running and each pursue our life passions. Mentally ill people have difficulty doing all of the things and society often does not give them the ability to better work within the society.