not in the sense of animals that organize their society in a communist style.

fashies have eagles, libertarians have snakes, what’s the communist animal?

      • Muad'DibberA
        121 year ago

        I love my keety, but he’s pure, concentrated liberalism. Only cares about himself and what he can get away with. He’s even a very people-friendly cat, but his affection is mostly heat-based; when its hot out he wants nothing to do with the humans.

        • @frippa@lemmy.mlOP
          1 year ago

          sphynx cats are the vanguard of the revolution though, they’re selfless and do nothing but poop, eat and love the people (proletariat) unconditionally, it’s a bummer that we live under capitalism so having one of them costs (tons of) money, cats became commodities :(((((

          • Muad'DibberA
            1 year ago

            Its nice that cats are less commodified than other pets, like dogs especially. Most people’s cats come from shelters or off the street, as opposed to dog breeding which is a massive and awful industry.

            But yes we are still exploiting them for their entertainment value. Def one of the spiciest debates in vegan communities, on whether having pets at all is justified, and whether it classifies as commodification.

            • @Cysioland
              81 year ago

              Also ethics of outdoor cats and supporting a meat industry just to feed our carnivorous pets.

              • Muad'DibberA
                1 year ago

                Absolutely. I tried to get my partner to switch ours to vegan cat food, but she won’t :(. Cats have been living off this stuff fine for decades, and its perfectly healthy. Taurine is the main thing they absolutely need that they get from eating critters, and it has been synthesized, and comes in all vegan cat foods.

    • @Kirbywithwhip1987
      51 year ago

      Agree, just look and think about themselves and no one else, also outdoor ones kill too many dinosaurs, both birds and reptiles.