The fact that somebody said this while their fellow anticommunists are rolling back transgender rights throughout various neoliberal régimes today screams ‘calculated response’ in a way that not even the worst capitalist journalists could manage on their own.

As well as having no sense of shame or responsibility, this meme suggests to me that anticommunists have no concept of time either!

    • ☭CommieWolf☆
      71 year ago

      It wasn’t him personally ordering them to be put into camps. There were prejudices in the country at the time and he just didn’t do enough to address them. Thinking its specifically his fault is like saying the three year famine was directly the fault of Mao. As leaders they bear responsibility, but it’s not the same as saying he himself wanted them all in camps.

      • @nervvves
        9 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • ☭CommieWolf☆
          61 year ago

          He was responsible, there’s no denying that, but he wasn’t the cause, that’s the distinction I was trying to explain. You’re right that the country wasn’t quite ready to accept that sort of discourse for a long time, and I believe its one of the main reasons Castro chose to turn a blind eye to the problem.