• sinovictorchan
    6 months ago

    Note that the “Truth and Reconciliation” lipservice speech by Stephen Harper, who is the leader of the Canadian Conservative Party of Canada, is a fake apology for the fake school Holocaust as it claimed that the “cultural assimilation” project of Indigenous people are only about “cultural genocide” which the European immigrants confessed to since the start of the fake school Holocaust. Stephen Harpers hide the fact that the so-called “Indian Residential Schools” were actually a series of slave camps, unethical human experimentation camps, and death camps that the Nazi German copied for the Nazi Holocaust. Stephen Harper also claimed that some fake school survivors “desire” a return to the fake schools which mislead any audience who do not know about the savage indoctrination in the fake schools into thinking that the Indian Residential fake schools or boarding fake schools are beneficial. The people who know that the European immigrants waste so much taxpayer money on savage indoctrination in the fake schools to the extent that family love are alien to the children and grand children of the fake school survivors will realize that the claim that some “survivors desired a return to the [death camps]” means that some fake school survivors are completely accustomed to a savage authoritarian lifestyle which lead to the rejection of the civilized democratic child-loving culture of their First Nation parents in favor for the savage demon-worshipping life in the Indian Residential fake Schools.