My dad smokes a lot, he has anger issues because of that. Yesterday, on a trip, he kept taunting my mom and raging on the road and making the stupidest of decisions but I kept my mouth shut as always.

Today, I lost my shit. I defensively explained why I couldn’t get the exact type of grocery he wanted. He tosses the sugar into the floor and slaps me. I lose sight of reason and start choking him. I’m now in my room with lights out and he’s off somewhere, probably smoking.

I tried calling him, and asked to apologize to him through SMS. No response, obviously.

I’m posting this on lemmygrad because I trust the people here a lot. Most other people have problems of their own.

If there are any Muslim comrades reading this, do you think there is anything in specific I should add when apologizing? Thank you.

  • RedFortressOP
    71 year ago

    Thank you, comrade. I just came back from apologizing to him, but not after listening to his monologue about how I’m arrogant and that I will throw him out of his hospital bed when he’s old. He went on and on about his father and his relationship with him.

    I guess what’s left to do now is to regain his trust by keeping quiet and preventing mistakes from happening again.

    • relay
      101 year ago

      You are human and will make mistakes. Forgiving yourself is very important. Slapping someone over groceries is not OK.

      It sounds like you are dealing with inter-generational trauma.

      I hope you look out for yourself comrade!