• DankZedong A
    1 year ago

    This just solidifies my beliefs that Mark Hamill is dumb as shit and that you could give him a tour of a concentration camp and he wouldn’t be able to tell if it was wrong or not as long as the media didn’t inform him about it.

    • DankZedong A
      201 year ago

      I want to add that being misinformed is not a crime. I probably wouldn’t always be able to spot Nazi flag or stuff as well.

      However, if you are confronted with their formation that you just spoke to actual Nazis and you still defend them, that’s on you.

      • Yang Wen-li
        151 year ago

        Imo regular people make bad judgments all the time, we are only human. But Mark has elevated Ukranians to martyr status. I know Ben Afleck said Zelensky was his personal hero, I suspect Mark thinks the same but I don’t keep up with celeb drama.

        This type of idolization is disgusting, to us of course because we see the hypocrisy.

        Beyond that it’s mostly a dignity issue for me. These people base a large chunk of their self worth in the value they bring to others. It is very much a worshiper and diety situation, cult of personality. The only value of the worshiper is the social credibility they bring to the diety, a parasitic, one way relationship. Mark is feeding his credibility to Zelensky, in part so he can feel morally good.

        Perhaps there is more to unpack, but I always get a very bad feeling when I see idolization. There’s something wrong with viewing oneself as inferior to another just as it is wrong to view oneself as superior to another.

        • loathesome dongeater
          91 year ago

          Are you talking about Hamill putting Ukraine on a pedestal or the general public worshipping entertainers when you say idolisation?

          • Yang Wen-li
            101 year ago

            Not entertainers specifically, but they are probably the biggest offenders. Hamil just happens to be a convenient example.

        • @supersolid_snake
          1 year ago

          They always pick as their heroes certain people “resisting”. Weird how it’s never anyone like let’s say Arafat (critique aside) or Palestinians or the Houthis or leftist rebels in Latin America, etc who the odds against are much more insurmountable as they aren’t supplied by literally the most wealthiest nations on earth.

          I think there is something much more sinister than ignorance at play here, not to discount the ignorance part.