I’m talking about deeply held beliefs you have that many might disagree with here or deem to be incompatible with Marxist ideology. I’m interested because I doubt everyone here is an ideological robot who all share the same uniformity in belief

  • @ihaveibs
    51 year ago

    Much agreed on your second point. I’ve been fighting the battle against the ‘Karen’ shit for years and no one cares. And it’s like yeah I think we should call out liberal white women and other liberal women for the ways they advance capitalism and imperialism (like you said), but the Karen shit is clearly just inherently misogynistic. Not that I see that meme specifically a whole lot in these spaces but I’ve definitely seen similar stuff.

    • @linkhidalgogato
      61 year ago

      im sorry for my ignorance but why is the karen meme misogynist?

      • @CannotSleep420
        131 year ago

        Same. I thought the karen meme was making fun of white people acting super entitled and being a menace if they don’t get their way.

        • Black AOC
          71 year ago

          That’s how it started at least. No telling what settlerdom has done to it.

        • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
          71 year ago

          Fun fact: we have paralel meme in Poland, Karen is called “Grażyna” (for one particularly uninspiring character from really shitty show, as a bonus which is funnier to Americans than Poles that show was named “Klan”) - but that meme is only a female version of much more popular meme about “Janusz” - sterotypical polish boomer.

      • @ihaveibs
        91 year ago

        It started as being simply a way to be misogynistic and is still frequently applied by misogynists to downplay when women speak out about gender violence and other issues. I know when people are using it to just make fun of cracker bullshit, but it is still inherently gendered and the most common usage of it I’ve seen is just an excuse to shit on women. I don’t think the making fun of crackers part can be separated from the misogyny at the end of the day