I’m talking about deeply held beliefs you have that many might disagree with here or deem to be incompatible with Marxist ideology. I’m interested because I doubt everyone here is an ideological robot who all share the same uniformity in belief

  • @CannotSleep420
    131 year ago

    Same. I thought the karen meme was making fun of white people acting super entitled and being a menace if they don’t get their way.

    • Black AOC
      71 year ago

      That’s how it started at least. No telling what settlerdom has done to it.

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      71 year ago

      Fun fact: we have paralel meme in Poland, Karen is called “Grażyna” (for one particularly uninspiring character from really shitty show, as a bonus which is funnier to Americans than Poles that show was named “Klan”) - but that meme is only a female version of much more popular meme about “Janusz” - sterotypical polish boomer.