I swear I’m so tired of seeing slave owner getting praised by so many people including celebrities who then influence millions of people to follow him and then make movies about him and whatnot for decades.

I can’t count how many times I saw someone famous of who I thought was a normal person and then came to know that he/she is literally worshipping a fucking slave owner! I just hope that people will finally see the truth of what he really is and finally stop this idiocy.

  • @Munrock
    91 year ago

    I agree.

    If you come at it from that angle when you talk to Western libs, though, they’re going to reject any government whitepaper without reading it and quote historical ‘facts’ from white youtube historians because they’re racist little shits. They’re going to reject data about how happy Tibetans are with the CPC and recite anecdotes of oppression and coersion because they’re racist little shits. They’ve already decided what the truth is because they’re racists little shits.

    They can’t hide the atrociousness of the theocratic regime, though. Between Tenzin constantly letting his mask slip and showing himself up as a precocious pervert, and the well-documented horrific humanitarian abuses of the feudal-monastic regime, they can only come up with tenuous cope like “tongue sucking is a Tibetan tradition.”

    In Hong Kong I’m surrounded by libs who always bring this issue up. They can go for hours on clerical terminology and counter-evidence about whether Tibet is legally part of China or not, but they shut up quickly when you point out that they’re trying to make a techinical argument to justify a feudal government that had insitutional slavery, forced families to sell children to pay off debts, and cut people’s hands and eyes out for failing to pay taxes.

    There is something deeply cathartic about maneuvering a liberal into defending a sex pest like Tenzin or trying to claim there’s ‘cultural nuance’ to hanging human skin on your wall, and then laughing in their disgusting spiteful faces for it.