I haven’t read this yet, simply skimmed a few sentences here and there. This is really insightful helpful info that every American (and everyone with interest in America) should absolutely check out. The info covers last year, 2022, and how America is changing, spoiler alert, it ISN’T for the better. The writer really didn’t pull punches. This article is essentially China’s version of 2pac’s Hit Em Up. And instead of Notorious B.I.G. as the target, it’s the USA.

  • @CountryBreakfast
    91 year ago

    Human Rights rest firmly on property rights. It is the language of imperialism and always has been. I personally would not use this language to criticize the US anymore than I would obtusely concern-troll about any imperial hypocracy, as if the whole point isnt to establish, legitimize, and reproduce class society.

    It is not a surprise that the US fails the standards it sets for the world anymore than it is a surprise that the US engages in protectionism while demanding others fully submit to market relations. It is to be assumed because it is how it designed to function.

    Basically I am less impressed than I hoped. I don’t care about narratives of righteousness and hypocracy. I want to see the entire structure challenged. I want a robust critique of Human Rights, not to see this rhetoric repurposed because I doubt it can be. To criticize the US with the rhetoric of HR legitimizes the empire and the global simulations it curates.