Also RESTRICT Act news is mysteriously absent from all western “privacy” subreddits that otherwise claim to love democracy. It is only on my privacy subreddit, and in anti-establishment, anti-imperialist, socialist and conservative spaces. Not mainstream.

  • @Lemmy_Mouse
    1 year ago

    “Because this is not your government. This is not a government, this is a tyranny unto themself that merely uses citizens for money and human labour. The better the control, the longer superimperialist capitalist machinery can last.”

    I know it’s a stressful ordeal on Twitter or Reddit, I just want to remind you that a gov is the mechanism in which a ruling class expresses and realizes it’s interests.

    “American citizens are too propagandized and stripped of all ability of critical thought, and instilled with a sense of unshakeable, constant, lingering fear, like a chip on their shoulders…Citizens that are filled with hatred, have it even worse, with a complete paralysis of the logical mind.” 💯

    Trump-defensive links won’t work, Trump is public enemy #1. They admitted in a NY court they screwed Bernie Sanders’ campaign, that is when and why Russiagate began, it was to deflect this massively blatant rigging of “democracy” onto a foreign enemy of imperial capital. Perhaps lead with that next time?

    With the deep state thing, the deep state idea itself is rooted in blaming bureaucrats for the actions of the bourgeoisie. It’s a hard LARP back into the Cold War mentality the US pette bourgeois live in and reinforces the delusion of the democratic party being communists and/or Chinese agents.

    Not saying this is you but many on the left who lean towards Trump are those who started as Pro-Russian and listened to too much of their propaganda. So I’ll include this:

    There are no solutions coming from the MAGA camp, and the current Russian leadership who promote it are the same class traitor fascists (restoration of and decay towards capitalism) turned pette bourgeois who worked with the US to overthrow the USSR in the 80s and 90s. They’re useful for breaking the empire but they are not class allies. Trump represents their interests, not our class’. They just currently intersect in destroying the empire just as the pro-LGBT thing with the democrat-controlling clique of the US bourgeoisie. It doesn’t mean we start advocating neoliberalism tho.

    Great job not yielding to their bullshit tho. Same old Reddit; say something based, get greeted by the gatekeepers/thought police. They appear to take faltered steps forward attempting to adapt to the new situation, the new popular norm: Intellect and logic as opposed to what they are used to - their own native arrogance, dizzying and ignorant recklessness, and populism. Must be difficult attempting to behave in a manner entirely foreign to your own nature.

    Its hard for a tool to think and act without his master’s hand up his ass. Their only option in this paradigm is to begin to take orders from us, how else can they properly do their jobs? What an antagatory environment for these clowns to be in. This law will do nothing either, they’re already doing all they can aside from attempting to take a few people, drag them in front of the cameras in chains to make an example of them, and then speaking the truth/your mind becomes the new pirating copyrighted content where everyone still does it no matter the bullshit they try and it ends up dead in the water with only assclowns such as Metallica supporting it.

    EDIT: Actually reading it https:// www. congress. gov /bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686/text?s=1&r=15 it looks like they’re going above just actual police via thought police…they’re targeting trade between anyone in the US and anyone they deem to be a threat…basically it’s Trump’s Act 250 revision on crack, and the administrative party seems to be the US sec of commerce. The idea being making companies police their own space or be barred from operating in the US. LOL as if that will happen. It’s adorable they believe they contain even a teenth of self-control. (get it? A teenth? Self control? 😂)

    • @TheAnonymouseJokerOP
      51 year ago

      a gov is the mechanism in which a ruling class expresses and realizes it’s interests.

      The problem is I am trying throw ropes to this guy tumbling down the abyss, and I have to keep throwing longer ropes. Its very hard to reach out to obtuse people.

      It is tough to crack open rifts into the skulls of these people, and Trump angle is easiest way to reach to someone who is into privacy paranoia stuff. MAGA is not a comrade and never will be, but it is a tool to temporarily reach to ordinary people that are in the iron grip of neoliberalism, libertarianism and spectra around it. I personally see Deep State as a dictatorship with two public faces, which is how I use it to make points clear to people. It may have the MAGA connotation but it is not as strong for everyone, though I would like to know what the general perception towards it even is.

      RESTRICT Act is horrific. It also says if anyone is found using banned platforms via VPN, there is a $250,000 fine. China is probably laughing right now for all the nonsense that is regurgitated about them in overseas media.

      • @ThatCakeThough
        41 year ago

        So the great American Firewall is official now instead of unofficial?