This week I managed to get back at a 24kg bicep dumbbell curl after some setbacks since december. It would be nice if I could do it for 8 reps soon, but I’ll take my time.

I’m also eating like a mad men again after a week of covid, but I still have not regained my smell and taste. My passion of eating is now a boring task. I hope it gets better soon

How did your week go?

  • @Hammer_SickleCurls
    51 year ago

    New to the community these weekly threads seem interesting. Was going to post my routine but I’m short on time.

    Hit a personal goal of 10 pull ups 2 sets in a row (@ 216 lbs bodyweight). I will start doing them weighted now.

    I also hit a PR on my front squat 270x8. My goal is 3 plates for reps. Stay active comrades