I have to deal with liberals asking about this and i gotta say i don’t know enough to be sure about my answer

  • 小莱卡
    4 months ago

    The only correct solution is regional autonomy, autonomy for such crystallized units as Poland, Lithuania, the Ukraine, the Caucasus, etc. The advantage of regional autonomy consists, first of all, in the fact that it does not deal with a fiction bereft of territory, but with a definite population inhabiting a definite territory. Next, it does not divide people according to nations, it does not strengthen national barriers; on the contrary, it breaks down these barriers and unites the population in such a manner as to open the way for division of a different kind, division according to classes. Finally; it makes it possible to utilize the natural wealth of the region and to develop its productive forces in the best possible way without awaiting the decisions of a common centre – functions which are not inherent features of cultural-national autonomy. Thus, regional autonomy is an essential element in the solution of the national question. Of course, not one of the regions constitutes a compact, homogeneous nation, for each is interspersed with national minorities. Such are the Jews in Poland, the Letts in Lithuania, the Russians in the Caucasus, the Poles in the Ukraine, and so on. It may be feared, therefore, that the minorities will be oppressed by the national majorities. But there will be grounds for fear only if the old order continues to prevail in the country. Give the country complete democracy and all grounds for fear will vanish. It is proposed to bind the dispersed minorities into a single national union. But what the minorities want is not an artificial union, but real rights in the localities they inhabit. What can such a union give them without complete democratization? On the other hand, what need is there for a national union when there is complete democratization?

    What is it that particularly agitates a national minority?

    A minority is discontented not because there is no national union but because it does not enjoy the right to use its native language. Permit it to use its native language and the discontent will pass of itself.

    A minority is discontented not because there is no artificial union but because it does not possess its own schools. Give it its own schools and all grounds for discontent will disappear.

    A minority is discontented not because there is no national union, but because it does not enjoy liberty of conscience (religious liberty), liberty of movement, etc. Give it these liberties and it will cease to be discontented.

    Thus, equal rights of nations in all forms (language, schools, etc.) is an essential element in the solution of the national question. Consequently, a state law based on complete democratization of the country is required, prohibiting all national privileges without exception and every kind of disability or restriction on the rights of national minorities.

    These come from “Marxism and the National Question” by Stalin. These were the postures on the russian national questions, i am just taking a short section without context but the entire essay is about protecting and promoting the culture of the people of their respective regions.

    • redtea
      4 months ago

      Just got to be prepared for when the libs shrug it off as hypocrisy without any evidence whatsoever that Stalin said this while actively doing the opposite. Wouldn’t even be surprised if some Soviet policies had, at the least, the unintended consequence of damaging a minority language(s); but I’d know it as an assumption and be happier to be proven wrong, whereas the libs will undoubtedly make a more outrageous claim, without support, expecting agreement.

      • 小莱卡
        4 months ago

        The notion that Stalin and other revolutionaries wrote all these revolutionary theory just to look good is so infantile lol.

        All these historical figures left us a ton of evidence of their thoughts by their writings and letters, we don’t need some western historian to tell us who they were.

        • Idliketothinkimsmart
          4 months ago

          They’re dictators with complete authority you can’t even dare to question, but they simutaneously had to explain the rationale of what they believed and did, publicly…

          • 小莱卡
            4 months ago

            Liberals purposelly avoid talking about historical figures writings because their leaders constantly wrote the most evil shit possibly imagined lmao.