I should definitely sort my anger issues out

  • @Shrike502
    41 year ago

    How do you deal with anxiety?

    • @Leninismydad
      61 year ago

      I do a couple things primarily, I meditate every morning, every single morning, I wake up, brush my teeth, turn my kettle on, and meditate for 15 mins, usually to waterfall sounds. It grounds me to start the day, makes me feel mentally fresh and ready. If I have anxiety throughout the day, I will try to take a 15 min break from work and find a quiet place to meditate ( I use my ear buds).

      I take similar actions that I did with my anger. Break it down, find the root of the anxiety, this helps first of all by giving me something to focus on, distraction is incredibly powerful in counteracting anxiety, especially when it is focused or bordering on a panic attack anxiety.

      Second, it helps you figure out your triggers, the things that increase you anxiety, sometimes you can cut those things out, other times you need to kind of train yourself to look at them from a different angle.

      For example, I have anxiety around heart related things, so if I get say a heart palpitation, I can spiral into anxiety (I got one just typing the word, it’s literally so stupid sometimes how anxiety works), I know that heart palpitations are incredibly common, most people get them every damn day and they are perfectly healthy and fine. When I get a palpitations and I feel my anxiety increasing, I focus on reassurance, sometimes out loud, that I am okay, they are normal, they are common, they don’t mean anything, hell you can trigger them by bending over, or coughing or drinking bubbly soda.

      If that doesn’t work and I feel my anxiety increasing, I focus on quick relief methods, I will fill a bowl of cold water and dunk my head in it, not only is it refreshing, but it kills the adrenaline and calms you down, I do deep breathing exercises, go for a walk, etc, you figure out what your best tools are through trial and error.

      To be honest, anxiety has a lot of potential roots and it’s hard to give complete advise without knowing your whole story, so if you have the means, I’d definitely suggest finding a therapist to support you navigating this shit. I hated the idea of getting a therapist for a long time, but having a guy I could bounce things off of and get feedback from once a week actually did help me quite a bit with my anxiety.

      If you do not have the means I can see if I can get you some self guided therapies, they won’t be as effective but they definitely can still help. If you need help finding a therapist that isn’t shit, I can also help with that.