Like, so genders are social construct and different from biological “sex”, but identifying as a different “gender” requires surgery to change your “sex”? Is “gender” just personality? I’m so confused

Edit: also, the idea trans-affirming surgery and hormones is also absolutely horrifying to me for some reason; just, ouch

  • 陈卫华是我的英雄OP
    01 year ago

    Wow, thanks! But also: what’s the deal with “gender-affirming” surgeries? Is it some mechanism for people to feel more physically like their “gender-personalities”? Would gender exist under socialism? Should minors be able to get gender-affirming therapy?

    • Water Bowl Slime
      171 year ago

      Those surgeries are done to make people feel like their bodies match who they are. For the record, not all trans people want surgery and not all surgery involves genitals.

      Considering gender has always existed, I can’t imagine that it would go away under socialism. I’m not sure what that would even mean.

      And yes, minors should be able to get therapy. They should be able to get surgeries, even. Keep in mind that most things that trans minors want are already available to cis minors, such as breast reductions and implants.

      • Arsen6331 ☭
        151 year ago

        It is also important to consider the fact that delaying treatment may lead to irreversible changes, so ideally, it would happen as early as possible for best results, although it is effective at any age.

        • Water Bowl Slime
          131 year ago

          Yeah and there’s also the fact that many of the drugs used for hormone therapy are readily available to cis teens. Like how puberty blockers are given to kids that got puberty early, but aren’t nearly as accessible to kids that want them because they’re trans.