They are like the proper green and peasant parties should be - green on the outside and red on the inside.

Not brown inside like the current european ones, especially german.

  • @cfgaussian
    1 year ago

    The German Greens are an ultra neoliberal war hawk party, they have the deepest ties to Washington of any German party and are the most Atlanticist of the bunch by far. Many of them have Ivy League educations were subsequently trained in NED institutions. They are basically CIA assets. Their base is overwhelmingly upper middle class intelligentsia with some labor aristocracy and petty bourgeois.

    The irony is that they started out as a party not too dissimilar from the US Green party, very anti-war, pro disarmament and big on social justice in the 1980s, with many being quite open to socialist ideas. That’s when they were still mostly old hippies. Now the character of the party has changed completely and their alleged environmentalism is a joke, they shut down the nuclear power plants and doubled down on coal.

    They love NATO and hate Russia and China, they are the main proponents of a big German rearmament and fanatically pushed for abandoning Russian pipeline gas in favor of US LNG that is way more expensive and has a far worse environmental impact. They engage in all the typical liberal virtue signaling but then turn around and always vote for pro-corporate policies.

    I worry that the US Greens will end up the same way in a few decades if they ever get any real power the way the Greens did in the late 90s.

    • SovereignState
      31 year ago

      Thanks for the rundown! They sound like a bunch of insufferable assholes.