No but on a more serious note, I always do like to evaluate the past year on this day. I’ve noticed that I let myself get stuck in a drag in my daily life much more than I needed to. Weeks could go by where I just worked, ate, watch some dumb show and slept. And it made me unhappy. A few weeks ago I decided that I’m going to change the way I spent my time so that I have more meaningful interactions with my friends, family and gf and so that I can prevent myself from becoming a zombie.

You guys have any plans?

      1 year ago

      I’ve never looked hard into shorts, how can someone synthetize tens/hundreds of pages of theory into 59 secs? It’s hard hard hard and whoever does them has my respect

      • Very basic concepts, no need to explain it fully just what it basically means and maybe an example then link the reading source in a pinned comment.