‘Record number of bipedal and mammalian sentient lifeforms following the pursuits of civil life possibly being subjected to a process of destruction to the external or internal organs, often accompanied by a feeling of extreme discomfort commonly known as ‘pain’, as a consequence of materials assembled together to produce a combustion that has the effect of burning and damaging other materials in the area in which it disassembles upon detonation during the two thousand and twenty‐third year of the Common Era’
‘Record number of bipedal and mammalian sentient lifeforms following the pursuits of civil life possibly being subjected to a process of destruction to the external or internal organs, often accompanied by a feeling of extreme discomfort commonly known as ‘pain’, as a consequence of materials assembled together to produce a combustion that has the effect of burning and damaging other materials in the area in which it disassembles upon detonation during the two thousand and twenty‐third year of the Common Era’
*two thousand and twenty-fourth