I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or serious. Beyond that, idk who they are portraying on the left. I’d appreciate some help clearing this up.

Like, um light is still made out of particles??? We can measure and detect wavelengths through photos like x-rays, and telescopes. I’m super confused on how this is a serious criticism on materialism.

  • @CannotSleep420
    221 year ago

    Dialectical materialism according to dumb cranks: the science that posits that touch is the only sense and that there are no material instruments that allow one perceieve what would be imperceptible to the naked senses.

    • @CannotSleep420
      171 year ago

      Replying to my own dunk: is this person blind? I don’t mean that in a figurative way to imply that they’re missing something obvious, I mean it literally. If someone has functioning eyesight then they are sensing light.

      • SovereignState
        141 year ago

        “If the light spectrum is real, then why can’t I see it? No, seriously, guys, I can’t see it. G-guys?”