The worst parts so far have been: State capitalism, marx didn’t listen to Bakunin, political leaders were actually a new ruling class, and “living conditions for workers were the same during tsarist, Soviet, and modern times in Russia”🤮🤮🤮

  • Ayjan Ibrahimov
    81 year ago

    That happens to motherf*ckers who don’t read any theory or any other communist/socialist literature or even a book on dialectical materialism . they ( libs and chuds ) repeat everything their masters (the cia via the ned) tells them to say and repeat . And that’s how they end up being the things they are today . shitlibs , radlibs , chuds , zionists or even regime changers , xenophobes , homophobes and what not . ( That’s why I don’t even lose my precious time or even energy on them to begin with. Just let them seeth and cope 😌 and drink some🍵and ignore them , Just like i do . )