(Note OP use the Chinese hammer and sickle, suggesting the straw man supports China, as they see them as a reflection of their ideology, contradicting their argument)

  • QueerCommieOP
    151 year ago

    Even maoists have socialist experiments they support (literal Maoist China)

    • SovereignState
      1 year ago

      I really have no idea who’s dropping the “that wasn’t reaaaal communism” line outside of maybe anarchists and confused social democrats. Real tankies wear our GDR and Friend-of-the-DPRK badges with pride. 😎

      Maybe just a misunderstanding of the idea that no state has truly achieved communism… the withering away of the state, etc. But we also don’t argue that that should be immediate, and that socialist construction needs to take place for a long time beforehand. edit: ope comrade sinovictorchan made this point way more eloquently ITT.