(Note OP use the Chinese hammer and sickle, suggesting the straw man supports China, as they see them as a reflection of their ideology, contradicting their argument)

  • @Sarcasmo220@lemmy.ml
    151 year ago

    Not to mention for a large part of early human history it was all about mutual aid and there was no currency…

    • @knfrmity
      131 year ago

      And for a large part after that there were nominal currencies but debts would be forgiven regularly to keep everything in balance.

      • @VictimOfReligion
        71 year ago

        More like until the end of the Neolithic, it was build under some sort of communism, until metallurgic artisans emerged in the Chalcolithic until the Theocracist class emerged with the aid of another class, the warriors, which build the first empires of history, to the point that the first ever mentioned human we know of, was a Mesopotamian priest. All that on the Bronze Age.

        And continued towards today, even if the aristocrat, noble and bourgeois classes emerged as mutual antagonist for the oldest class, the working one.