I liked Mandos better when they were just cool guys in armor. Like Boba and Jango, but then Lucasfilm became aware of their fan favorite status and put them at the forefront of everything. Literally everything new we learn about them makes them look lamer and lamer. They went from asshole crusaders with a vague honorable backdrop to space samurai that have nothing but agreeable politics.

Less is more I feel.

  • @MzuarkOP
    61 year ago

    You’re right, Mandos are awful, only thing worse are Sith. They’re villains, that’s what they’ve always been: Cool bad guys. Which is why it’s so uncomfortable how hard they’ve gotten rehabilitated. Bo-Katan is a racist, genocidal terrorist, as we see in The Clone Wars, but now that she’s A Good Guy™, it’s all squaresys.

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      1 year ago

      Bo-Katan is awful character, she totally seem like bad gal even in Mandalorian, and they even made her look decades younger than she should have be, probably to get some sympathy for her from the audience.