• mughaloidOP
    9 months ago

    The photo that you see in the post which has SFI protesting, SFI is a student Union branch of CPIM. Long story short general public of India is pretty much pro Hindutva culturally and politically. What does it mean? It means BJP and RSS has changed the hindu culture and religious concepts in its entirety. Now it’s at the point of no return. There are pockets of good people and left organizations but they do lack analysis and good theological understanding of India. What does it mean? We have to find a way where religious people Hindus, Muslims, Sikh, Christians, Jains don’t create hegemony on each other. It’s difficult to create this and it’s more difficult to implement it. There is also major problem of casteism and feudalism in North India. That’s why South is more liberal and pro Marxist but North is not. Muslims in India also need to follow or revive their own Sufi traditions which is more spiritual Islam than following foreign concepts of Muslim Brotherhood and salafism.

    Note : Vijay Prashad is a member of CPIM