    2 years ago

    As other have said, it is a settler colonial state. But, it’s a settler colonial state with an incredible impact on the world; This is what gets in people’s heads.

    With Israel, we can see the obvious rape and genocide cause its a day to day basis. Plus, they have no where as near as much propaganda reach as the US. Pretty much everyone in my school, even the hwhitest liberals, are well aware of the struggle by Palestinians. They know Israel is not a legitimate nation. They also know Indigenous Americans are still getting fucked by the US. But they don’t know, the US is illegitimate. Why is this?

    First of all, it has most infectious propaganda outlets known to man. This makes looking at the US from a non colonial gaze near impossible. We know it was built on genocide and slavery–hard for them to deny this–but its difficult to understand that it still is. This plays into the second part, that it’s most obvious territorial conquest is not in living memory. The only way to see the settler colonial state for what it is, is to look at it through a systemic lens.

    Id like to start with a thought experiment, let us say all of those who read this suddenly become phantoms; You are capable of conscious thought but you cannot interact with the physical world.

    You stand idly by for 250 years, as Israel happens to colonize almost all of the Arab world. The Arab population is reduced to the low millions. Those who have survived are crammed into small safe havens with no industrial capacity and no self sufficiency. Those few Arabs who are lucky enough to consolidate their own wealth, can only muster unproductive businesses that are based entirely on the flow of currency (like the infamous Indigenous Casino)-- and yet still bend their knee to the Israeli bourgeoisie with little struggle.

    You have watched as the Israeli state has rooted into the Arab world. It is systemically benefiting from the exploitation of not only its lands, but its people too. You have seen this mechanical bourgeois state dress itself up as a patriotic popular nation. It hasn’t gotten any more sovereign, just larger.

    Okay thought experiment over. Clearly Israel is here just a fill in for the US. I have a combination of more to say and more to learn. Id like to talk/learn about decolonization processes.