Also putting quotes around “indigenous” to imply there’s no settler colonial relation

  • cfgaussian
    7 months ago

    As i said, if they want to advocate for a “two state solution” they should at least do so with borders that make sense. Ultimately it won’t make a difference because a “two state solution” is an impossibility as long as one of the two is driven by Zionist ideology. All that advocating for a “two state solution” and seeing it get trashed again and again by the Zionists does is convince the world that it is impossible to reason with these genocidal fanatics. At some point even the densest British revisionists should get this.

    In the meantime they should be focusing on what actually urgently needs to be done which is stopping the genocide and siege of Gaza, and ending the occupation of the West Bank (and of the Golan Heights!). How they managed to write a whole article about Palestine and not mention either of these things is beyond my comprehension. Speaking in the abstract about “peace and equality” is just not enough. Clearly they don’t like the term indigenous but are British “socialists” now even too afraid to say the words apartheid and occupation?

    • Editor 0OP
      7 months ago

      British people seem incapable of reason at this point lol, I don’t wanna live here anymore but I can’t abandon my shared responsibility to fix this shitfuck of a nation.