The farts. Good God the protein farts. No matter what kind I use. Brand, type, vegan, non-vegan, etc. Those damn protein shake farts can kill. The are the most unnatural smelling abominations the human body can produce. There are a number or reasons to not use protein powder supplements if you can avoid it. Actual health concerns. Yet in the end, it is the farts that stop me from using them.

  • @201dbergOP
    21 year ago

    I do lots of free range eggs. Next year I’m gonna raise some chickens of my own so I will know they are well cared for.

    • @redtea
      31 year ago

      I’d love to do this too.

      Be careful if you live in an urban area. Eggs from chickens raised in city gardens can have a lot of lead in them. Like three times as much as in eggs from rural chickens. I’m unsure if this is a dangerous amount. It could very well still be so low that it’s not a concern.

      It’s from years and years of having water run off lead from roofing and washing off lead paint chips, IIRC.

      Could depend on your location. I’m unsure how you test for it. If you can find out that it’s an issue, growing sunflowers can absorb the lead out the soil. It might have to be giant sunflowers. I may have learned this on here, so you could post a question in the revolutionary garden community.

      You may also want some red mite powder to ‘bathe’ the chickens in. It helps keep them free of, well, red mites, I’m told. Wear a mask. It’s supposed to be and is sold as safe, but there have been arguments that it causes lung problems. It’s not got hooks like asbestos, though, I don’t think.

      Anyway, that’s all I know about chickens.

      • @201dbergOP
        31 year ago

        We live very rural and the land we are going to range them on is far back from any roads. City soils are usually contaminated from when leaded gasoline was used decades ago. Yet another instance of capitalism ruining the everything and making it impossible to safely live off of what you have.

        • @redtea
          21 year ago

          Ah, the gasoline, too. Sounds like you already knew of this. Could even have been you who told me lol.

          Yep. This is why we can’t have nice things.