The farts. Good God the protein farts. No matter what kind I use. Brand, type, vegan, non-vegan, etc. Those damn protein shake farts can kill. The are the most unnatural smelling abominations the human body can produce. There are a number or reasons to not use protein powder supplements if you can avoid it. Actual health concerns. Yet in the end, it is the farts that stop me from using them.

  • @201dbergOP
    31 year ago

    We live very rural and the land we are going to range them on is far back from any roads. City soils are usually contaminated from when leaded gasoline was used decades ago. Yet another instance of capitalism ruining the everything and making it impossible to safely live off of what you have.

    • @redtea
      21 year ago

      Ah, the gasoline, too. Sounds like you already knew of this. Could even have been you who told me lol.

      Yep. This is why we can’t have nice things.