The text condemning the glorification of Nazism was only previously opposed by the US and Ukraine

  • DankZedong A
    2 years ago

    Is it to expose the hypocrisy of the west?

    Probably yes. It’s no surprise that fascism and nazism is capitalism in decay, and it’s no suprise that The West will turn to it once they feel threatened. But you have to get them to openly say that in order to wake up some other countries I guess.

    • GloriousDoubleK
      2 years ago

      And then my follow up question to Russia. Look… Show us where capitalism can stay put and on harmony with free trade where it never had to resort to colonialism.

      What is Russia’s plan to avoid the contradictions of capital getting out of hand and if it isnt a transition to socialism; then what makes any alternative to maintain capital in the long run NOT fascism?

      What is their plan to avoid being the thing they say they’re against? Cause they DO seem to be enamored with capital. Eventually, someone is gonna have to take a haircut.

      • DankZedong A
        2 years ago

        Denazification of Ukraine has been a part of the Russian justification of the invasion. Having a vote like this, with the goal of combatting Nazism, can be used in their justification of this war. I think one of the reasons for many European countries to vote against this is that they don’t want to give Russia an opportunity to use this vote against them.

        Russia itself is not socialist and because of its capitalism is prone to the dangers of the system. I don’t think Russia is that much concerned with combatting Nazi’s to make it their life mission or anything. On this forum we need to keep in mind that Russia is anti Western Imperialism first, and that’s why we offer critical support in this situation. But this voting is a bit of a farce, both from Russia’s side as a capitalist force and from the Western states in failing to condemn actual Nazism.

        Voting against by the west is also a useful tool for Russia, as they can now create a motive against the west (as if they need any, really) that they’d rather support the Nazi’s (they do, but still).

        • GloriousDoubleK
          2 years ago

          I agree. I cant help but notice that it’s one thing to denounce the nazis. That’s easy and a no brainer. But it says NOTHING on what it means to use the monopoly of force to protect capital. Such a thing has had MANY names. It was once called Slave trade. It was once called apartheid. It was once called colonialism. It was once called settlerism. It was once called fascism and it was once called imperialism.

          If anyone is going to be capitalist; they gotta have a plan to make sure the people are seen to without basically doing a fascism and calling it something new… As if calling it a new name has anything to do with it being a great distinction to those it happens to.

          • CountryBreakfast
            2 years ago

            The way I see it, as an armchair dengist with no real authority to speak and could be very wrong, Russia is ironically addressing all of this by calling out the west. The only (maybe not only but most obvious) way to maintain non antagonistic contradictions (for the bourgeoisie dictatorship) is to go down the path it is going.

            But the truth is there is no winning for Russia as it pertains to developing imperialism (which is part of why I don’t think Russia can be accurately called imperialist). It is very specifically bared from being part of the core, but it must challenge the core to develop in any “sovereign” way. Yet if it successfully challenges the core then it undermines capitalism by weakening the global order, by getting closer to China, by presenting a geopolitical alternative to the core, and also by exacerbating its internal contradictions.

            Russia challenges the west to keep its internal contradictions in check, but by doing this it may, as a beautiful twist of dialectics, eventually exacerbate internal contradictions that will intensify class struggle. Russia must deal with the fact that nazism is the enemy of Russian people, that Russia’s soviet heritage lives on through the USSRs victory against nazis, that the western world is becoming less concerned with nazism, AND finally, that the Russian system itself is susceptible to nazism. Something has to give and it means a better future is not impossible.