since I think more people need to have this under their arsenal when talking to vaushits who claims he supports trans rights.

oh yeah this is a thing as well

  • @SpaceDogs
    172 years ago

    Man. It just gets worse and worse with him.

    A few years ago I stumbled upon Vaush’s content when he mostly debated anti-SJW and neo-Nazis. At the time I was a “fan” because, after living through the tragedy that was the anti-SJW/gamergate phase of YouTube as a teen, it was refreshing to see someone seemingly on our side return the same energy that was being given.

    I wasn’t a huge fan and didn’t keep tabs much unless clips were uploaded of him arguing with right-wingers and such. I stopped following him after I saw the evidence of him targeting leftists and minorities as if they were enemies. The whole child thing had me fucked up too.

    The Professor Flowers debate, while it wasn’t the turning point for me (that happened way before), was just another incident that further confirmed he was an absolute piece of shit and there was no coming back from it.

    Should’ve stuck to making fun of Nazis.