Furthermore we are seeing major euro chemical corps taking preservation measures that may be a signal for a death spiral for the competitiveness of European capital. We also see leaders like Macron pissed that the US is in such a good spot relatively speaking. All of this is only getting harder to watch. The US truly is cannabalizing the west.

  • @redtea
    82 years ago

    I’m struggling to understand these claims that inflation is ~10%.

    Especially with food. The only thing I can think of for food is that ‘incl. alcohol, tobacco’ is skewing the figures if, say, there has been very little inflation for alcohol and tobacco. (Also why the absolute fuck is tobacco included with food?)

    Restaurant prices have gone up by 10–20%. Greasy takeaways seem quite stable, tbh.

    But supermarket food. Christ. Weekly food shop has doubled. Or, it would have doubled if I had not simply replaced items that became far too expensive.

    4 pints of milk went up 60%. The price of one pint almost doubled. A loaf of bread is more or less the same price. Unless you buy the supermarket’s own bread, which has more or less doubled.

    As for the rest… fuel went up ~60%+ since before the pandemic. Energy bills… I won’t even try to work out those as percentage increases.

    • @CountryBreakfastOP
      21 year ago

      Could be a lot of things. Opportunistic price gouging being a big one. Another is that this is for all of Europe and likely won’t be an accurate representation on any one place in Europe. And of course, the source of this information is the bourgeoisie press so it’s not out of the question that it is being downplayed somehow.