I get it now. Dark Brandon is gonna cancel all student debt likely in the next two weeks to a month… Delivering it with ICBM nukes! 🤣 Cant collect a debt if all the borrowers are dead.

Kherson and the dam situatiom is getting scary.

Edit: I dont know if anyone has been keeping up to date with the conflict, but forgive me for being hysterical and paranoid, but we could be looking at a nuclear event soon.

Both Russia and NATO and Ukraine is accusing each other of being guilty of a nuclear attack that hasnt happened yet. And they’re telling the same story, drawing the same conclusions, and blaming each other. Some are speculating this can happen as soon as two weeks. Im trying to be light hearted and jovial and just shit posting about student debt and all this ridiculousness. But my god… We could literally all be dead in two weeks.

Maybe I should log off. Spend the next couple weeks focusing on things that bring me joy. If Im wrong; then I havent wasted my time. If Im right; then I haven’t wasted my time.

  • SovereignState
    2 years ago

    One of the most disturbing things to me is having to deal with utterly petty and ultimately meaningless shit at work day to day while everyone just seemingly ignores everything that’s happening… it felt similarly during the absolute worst of covid, and I work in the healthcare field so you’d think people would be treating things more seriously or more understanding of the burden placed on workers’ shoulders, but nah. Capitalist realism baby, there can be no future beyond the ever-increasingly dangerous status quo.

    One of the residents under my care died from covid because of a lack of proper precaution that all the workers had been calling for for months. A month later I got called into a meeting w/ supervisors because my work ethic was lacking. I started bawling, despite trying to hold it in, and got told “if you’re gonna be like this, maybe you should take a break.” No empathy. No humanity. Just quit crying, crybaby, it’s the world we live in now.

    • DankZedong A
      142 years ago

      I feel you on this one. I work with indebted people and I keep shouting against the debt collectors about how the inflation and the energycrisis is going to absolutely wreck the country. Before all this 1 in 5 people had risks of falling into poverty and I don´t even want to see the statistics right now. But so far I feel like I´m shouting into an empty void.

      No one is willing to take action it seems. And when winter hits, everyone will be fucked. It’s not an if, it’s a when in this situation. But who cares. We have numbers to please right now, so fuck your yelling.

      There’s just no empathy. Zero. No one seems willing to think: ‘what the fuck are we doing, really?’.

      I hope you can get through this tough times, comrade. Vent if you need to.

    • Black AOC
      102 years ago

      I started bawling, despite trying to hold it in, and got told “if you’re gonna be like this, maybe you should take a break.” No empathy. No humanity. Just quit crying, crybaby, it’s the world we live in now.

      Shit like this makes me wish we still had some vestige of the kind of organization we did this time a century ago; somebody deserves to get their front door kicked in five after midnight, and their windows strewn with bricks for a response like that to the distress of one of their workers.

    • @TeezyZeezy
      32 years ago

      I wholeheartedly understand what you’re saying, that shit is the worst. Being talked to by older people talking about my retirement gets me going, too, lol. No concept of what is happening in the world or how things will change.

      Wow, that is some seriously fucked up stuff. It seems like everyone is just used to it. I’m sorry you had to experience that, how are you doing now?