CW: Pedophilia

Y’all see this?

I’ve only watched a clip. The chemistry comment was utterly fucking deranged and disturbing. I’ve heard that the full context of the tirade was pertaining to how sex trafficking from Venezuela was a problem. Unsurprisingly the only people calling for muh context are fascist Bolsonaro stans. Even with the full context of the statement,

  1. What the fuck was that chemistry comment, Bolsonaro? You have sexual chemistry with literal children?
  2. If you just so happened to stumble across a child sex trafficking ring, why didn’t you report it? Why only bring it up as a rhetorical policy recommendation or whatever in an interview?

I’m curious to see how this impacts his support, if it will. We saw with Milo Yiannopolis that fascists will often tolerate many vile things but pedophilia apologia is still a line many of them refuse to cross, thankfully. Hopefully this helps further tank his support.

  • @Fenix
    102 years ago

    Every time I think it can’t get worse, he reaches a new low. The fact that about 46-48% of the population prefers him over Lula depresses me out, and the fact that he has REAL chances of winning the election depresses me out even more. I have some IRL friends that do think he is good due to misinformation and fake news, I try my best to tell them it’s not true but does not seem to take effect.

    Even if Lula wins we won’t be in good shape due to the congress having the most reactionary elements of all time, Lula is going to need to try his best for class conciliation and I doubt it’s going to be effective. Social-democracy always turn to the right political spectrum after all.

    But regardless, I think the population is going to radicalize themselves, and it’s going to be facism or to communism. Principally with the rumors of an up-coming crisis similar to 2008.

      • @Fenix
        2 years ago

        Maybe, but there is still hope. With the rise of online creators the communist ideals and ideas are spreading really fast. I’ve seen so much new people getting into reading Marx and Engels! Regardless, we must continue fighting on against Bolsonaro and his peers, venceremos!