Be aware that the people in the gym are a very select group of society.

I always used to compare myself to others in the gym, mostly the mental gorillas you see pushing 44kg dumbbells as bench press. I admired their strengths but it made me feel small in comparison, with my 26-30kg press.

But after I while I realized that me going to the gym is an achievement of itself. Whenever I did physical activities or physical labor outside of the gym I noticed what I actually achieved while in there. People complementing looks or my strength because to them, I was a beast.

Focus on your own journey. Admire people for their strength, but don’t let that make you feel worse. You’re doing great for taking the time to work on yourself. Those madlads and madlasses at the gym started somewhere as well.

  • DankZedong OPMA
    92 years ago

    Plus take into consideration that steroids are a thing and a lot of people take them lol.

    Talked to one of the Gorillas at the gym a while back and we were discussing diets. He listed a five minute long list of what he eats only to end with: oh yeah I’m also on gear

    • @Ottar
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

        • @Ottar
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

            • DankZedong OPMA
              52 years ago

              Who wants to stay natty when you can be stronger than the Hulk within a year an die of heart failure at age 45

              • @CriticalResist8A
                22 years ago

                Let’s do a real discussion of steroids. I have a few minutes, I’ll start another thread.

                • DankZedong OPMA
                  12 years ago

                  Sure. I’m not against gear or anything, I just won’t do it.

                  But if people do, be my guest. Most gearheads at my gym are really friendly people. They just have other goals.

    • @CriticalResist8A
      12 years ago

      Yeah same there was a new kid (at least I think he was new) approached one of the huge guys at the gym and asked him how do I get big like you. Dude told him: eat a lot, sleep well, oh and also if you want results get on gear.

      To his credit the first two are absolutely right (though the extent of a caloric surplus is debatable), and he didn’t push gear, just said “it depends what you want. I want to be as big as possible”.