• Muad'DibberA
    322 years ago

    The brain geniuses over at reddit think Russia went deep into NATO territory to bomb their own pipeline, that they could shut off from their own side at any moment.

    • @KimJongGoku
      202 years ago

      I’ve seen an absolutely beautiful lib take about the sabotage of Nordstream:

      They admitted that it doesn’t really make any sense for Russia to do this, so Russia totally DID do it to seem more “unpredictable and crazy” and therefore make the threat of an escalation to nuclear warfare seem more credible. Perhaps they can use the heat generated by these kinds of mental gymnastics to keep warm during the winter.

      • Muad'DibberA
        162 years ago

        The enemy is both calculating, strong, cunning, strategic, logical, has brilliant tactics, and at the same time unpredictable, nonsensical, emotional, short-sighted and weak.

    • loathesome dongeater
      172 years ago

      Bound to happen with people for whom Call of Duty has been the most formative experience in understanding international politics