First: Meme my about me not knowing English because it is my second language, please excuse me if my rambling isn’t as clear as it was in my mind.

Second: I will try to keep it concise so you comrades can actually fill the gaps and leave some space for discussion.

For those out of the loop, the thesis is not that complex: Hedgefunds have been taking advantage of “naked shorting” against retailers for who knows how many decades. They take an infinite risk selling a stock on loan by illegally shorting a company stock into a position called “cellar boxing” in order to bankrupt them, make a profit and invest in the companies that would benefit from this (Amazon) making even more money.

Two years ago normal people found out this thing was happening to GameStop and other retailers. Hedgefunds naked shorting the company into oblivion, thus taking literally an infinite risk, because contrary to when you buy a stock, the risk being that the value goes to 0 and your investment becomes worthless, shorting means, you get money at the price point of the stock when you sell short but you have to buy-back the stock sometime in the future. The maximum profit is that the company goes bankrupt and you don’t have to ever buy back the stock, but the potential loss is as high as the stock can go up in the meantime. For example: If you shorted a company at $1 you would get $1 for the transaction and if the price goes to $1,000 your potential loss would be $999. Now multiply that transaction for 1 million times and it becomes a problem of market mechanics, because as you buy up a stock in massive quantities the number of people willing to sell may decrease thus increasing the price the short seller has to buy back at. So instead of every share being $1,000 because of your buying pressure the price may increase to $1,001 $1,010, $1,050… You get the idea.

Now, back to GameStop. After people found out about it, instead of following the capitalist media’s advice about selling their GameStop stock in order to bankrupt the company and profit form people’s pension funds, they instead bought the shit out of it, so much that the price of the stock went from $4 dollars to $320 dollars in the span of 6 months. And yes, even the SEC confirmed in their report of the events, that the massive increase in the price wasn’t caused by short sellers closing their positions by buying back the stock, and instead caused by average people “FOMO’ing” and buying up the stock in massive quantities.
What does this mean? The Hedgefunds and WallStreet not only did not get out of their short position, but they doubled down even further. In short (no pun intended), shorts never closed.

I know, I know. The easiest counter argument is that the average r/Superstonk user isn’t actually class conscious and believes capitalism can be saved by a “fairer” stock market and a “fairer” capitalism. But hear me out.
These people have been radicalized because of the events and their uncovering of the corruption that is today’s financial capitalism engages in, it’s nothing short of amazing to see the proletariat in a subreddit about capitalism’s very mechanics having real class consciousness and solidarity.
A fairer criticism would be that people don’t want to get rid of capitalism, they may have all the right ideas about it but overall they just want the liberal/individualistic “way out” of the system, to get rich and mind their own business, but as Paulo Freire said: “When education is not liberating, the dream of the oppressed is to become the oppressor”, so we may as be as responsible to try to educate these people instead of criticizing what they only know because the system have conditioned them to do so.

Almost final thoughts about the Subreddit hive-mind collective:
People are calling out these criminals and want their asses in jail.
And unlike what happened after the 2008 crisis, people’s demands are clearer now, from what I’ve read these past year, the general sentiment is this:

  • Jail those suckers/Guillotine them.
  • Ban naked short-selling and even short-selling.
  • Destroy the current Wall-Street controlled corrupt stock market system and replace it with an open, transparent, auditable block-chain alternative.

Now, this are my own opinions, feel free to disagree:
First, based, guillotine those fuckers.
Second, the current monopoly capitalist system can’t exist without the massive Short-Selling they engage in. So if we are take away this tool from Wall-Street this means diminishing the power they can exert over society and the hold they have over the proletariat’s future.
And third Wall-Street cannot exist if people can actually see the illegal practices these fuckers engage in. A block-chain stock-market means the financial bourgeois can no longer obfuscate the fuck out of the system in order to keep the proletariat placated and ignorant about it.

Finally, r/SuperStonk is a fertile ground to have some (yeah, some lol) level headed discussions about class-consciousness and the inner workings of capitalism. If people win this battle, it means Hedge-funds getting fucked over, which I’m 100% in favor of.
If financial capital triples, quadruples down again, and pulls over some shady stuff to fuck over the national and international retail investors, it will destroy the credibility of the system.
As Marxists we should support normal people fucking over Wall-Street’s means for financial terrorism.

I’m very interested to hear your thoughts. Feel free to destroy my opinions and everything I hold dear.

  • @DiaMatEnjoyerOP
    42 years ago

    I appreciate all of your insights.
    This is definitely an inter-capitalist struggle, there’s no doubt about it, which means, it has to be resolved one way or another. I imagine they could even reach a stalemate agreement, “you don’t ever have to close your short positions but you have to stop shorting our companies”, I don’t know how feasible it for something like that to happen, and I think it’s most likely that financial capital wins and fucks over the industrial bourgeoisie and the petty bourgeois given how deeply entrenched to the economy WallStreet and company are in modern capitalism.

    I honestly think there is a coordinated effort by a significant government+wall street entities to prevent that sub from radicalizing.

    No doubt about it, they are willing to delete r/WorldNews posts with tens of thousands of upvotes taht barely challenge the west narrative, why wouldn’t they manipulate votes and use bot farms to dissuade people from even entertaining the idea of reading the “DD”.

    The petty bourgeoisie needs to realize that the system fucks them over too and we would all be better off with a communist system.

    For real, but the fact that they still get fucked over less than the average proletariat means their interests still somewhat align with that of the bourgeois. Even if having more safety nets, universal healthcare and education would instantly benefit them because they would be able to better compete against the current subsidized monopolies.

    I get self conscious as fuck talking about this stuff because of the smear campaigns though lol.

    Same here. Lol, they campaigned hard to paint apes as insane/dumbass gamblers early on and it worked.