• @lxvi
    132 years ago

    In socialist society you have a right to work and will be found useful labor you are capable of preforming. Even as far back as Plato different qualities of labor were recognized with mercantile and clerical work being reserved for the weak. Even on the shop floor the old dogs are put to clerical work rather than to pasture. I don’t see space for honest criticism when there is plenty of useful labor for people of minor intelligence and strength. How many people do you really think are incapable of doing anything useful for anyone? Not everyone is expected to do the most intense and demanding jobs but they are expected to do something of equal effort to their abilities. If you aren’t willing to do that much then why should you eat? (This being aimed at bourgeois anarchist and antiwork liberals who stubbornly insist on being lazy). Society is a team effort. You’re expected to put forward your best effort and encouraged to ascend to the heights of your capacity.

    Arguments seemingly white-knighting on behalf of the one thousandth part of the people are wearing sheep’s clothes for the lazy and the do-as-thou-wilt types which we might never save the west from.