I’m not even gonna bother with names because we are not on reddit anymore and they don’t deserve it anyway

  • @GloriousDoubleK
    62 years ago

    …Trigger apparently refused to get rid of or redesign that character.

    People can argue about freedom of speech all they want.

    But I have questions.

    WHAT is being said and what NEEDS to be said to have Rebecca be a kid or look like a kid?

    How would the show be less awesome if Rebecca was depicted as a young woman?

    Why? If it isnt about sexualizing children; then WHAT EXACTLY is the message of the art?

      • @GloriousDoubleK
        42 years ago

        They would deny that though. So if we take that seriously, then why else does it seem so important to have children in adult situations?

        Like… Rebecca a child murders the hell out of people and then gets… (Redacted).

        • @CountryBreakfast
          22 years ago

          I had a comment on one of the cyberpunk subs saying that anime routinely appeals to pedophiles and it was deleted for not being “constructive criticism.” Like holy shit people…

          • @GloriousDoubleK
            2 years ago

            Okay. So like straight up, did I see Rebecca rub some dude’s crotch to distract him? I could have swore I saw that. My mind immediately went to Rebecca being a little person and NOT a child when I saw that. And I think I prefer to see it that way, honestly.

            • @CountryBreakfast
              42 years ago

              I dont remember exactly but honestly it doesn’t surprise me. The show was kind of a blur but as soon as she appeared I got the Harley Quinn vibe, young and damaged by abuse and trauma. Not a comfortable dog whistle to pick up on given the reputation anime has.