I would love to see a sub for astrology, anyone interested?

  • @JK1348OP
    -12 years ago

    Why not? (:

    I like astrology i remember before i got off social media there was pretty cool comrades who examined like astrological placements during the Soviet revolution, which was very interesting to me…

            • @JK1348OP
              32 years ago

              Thank you so much

            • AdvancedAktion
              -12 years ago

              Whether you believe it or not, it’s not for you to condemn its very existence when it offers comfort to many, is frequently applied to liberation and radical politics, and has never once been responsible for genocides, colonization, crusades…>

              Cite some sources for this claim, not take it in a confrontational tone. These are things that personally affect me, I don’t claim they are inherently anything, but its destructive power is experienced by people who you claim to speak behalf of. Astrology is complex, indigenous, used for radical cause but you haven’t lived in a society that practice it. Your fascination is only due to it being regarded as superstition by the westerners.

                • AdvancedAktion
                  2 years ago

                  Do not conflict religion, astrology and spirituality. I did not appeal to ban anything, anyone can start a community here. Spirituality in post rev society should be discussed and studied. I asked to cite sources for astrology used for radical causes . In anything that I said never dismissed religion nor spirituality but only astrology.