I would love to see a sub for astrology, anyone interested?

    • @JK1348OP
      -12 years ago

      Why not? (:

      I like astrology i remember before i got off social media there was pretty cool comrades who examined like astrological placements during the Soviet revolution, which was very interesting to me…

              • @JK1348OP
                32 years ago

                Thank you so much

              • AdvancedAktion
                -12 years ago

                Whether you believe it or not, it’s not for you to condemn its very existence when it offers comfort to many, is frequently applied to liberation and radical politics, and has never once been responsible for genocides, colonization, crusades…>

                Cite some sources for this claim, not take it in a confrontational tone. These are things that personally affect me, I don’t claim they are inherently anything, but its destructive power is experienced by people who you claim to speak behalf of. Astrology is complex, indigenous, used for radical cause but you haven’t lived in a society that practice it. Your fascination is only due to it being regarded as superstition by the westerners.

  • @knfrmity
    62 years ago

    Marxism-Leninism requires us to look at social relations and history through a scientific lens. We’re not going to just drop that scientific lens when it comes to looking up at the night sky.

  • diegeticscream[all]🔻
    2 years ago

    It’s not my cup of tea, but if it’s something you’re interested in, you should make the sub and post in it a bit.

    Just be aware it might not get much traction here. There is at least one “spiritualist” sub on lemmygrad, so there’s some precedent.

    Best of luck! :)

    • @JK1348OP
      2 years ago

      That’s really sweet of you thank you, it’s nice to get a response that is not condescending

  • AdvancedAktion
    2 years ago

    Those guys defending astrology doesn’t have any idea how fucked up it can get. Ask to anyone from India. Here astrology is intertwined with our life. It destroys lives, its regressive and unscientific. It is cool and fun until it affect your life.

    • @JK1348OP
      22 years ago

      I would love this i didn’t think i was gonna upset so many people with this subject