I’ve made it through Dialectical and Historical Materialism by Stalin and I think I have the basic concept, but I would appreciate it if I could have some aid in deepening my understanding and application of it.

Any books/sources that are helpful would be great, too.

Thanks in advance :)

  • @TeezyZeezyOP
    52 years ago

    I’ll definitely get on reading that. Probably four times as well. I started working on On Contradiction in the car once on a trip. I never picked it back up, which was a mistake.

    Thank you! This is great advice and I really appreciate it.

    • @chinawatcherwatcher
      12 years ago

      honestly i don’t blame you, on contradiction is short but can be hard to get through without a good background on dialectics beforehand. i think it would be a great read after you’re done with what i shared with you, though.

      glad it’s of use to you. let me know if anything is confusing!