The Holodomor Genocide Question: How Wikipedia Lies to You

  • William RikerOP
    22 years ago

    True. I don’t like either. Stalin saves the Slavic people from complete and utter extrmination rom the Nazis. Sad that most people don’t know that. Hitler was going to murder almost Slav and mostly the Slavs of Russia

    The monster that is Hitler had plans drawn up to exterminate the Slavic people en masse. He figurerd it would take well into the sixties.

    The plans were made and typed out. This is not a theory, or whatever. Evidence is ther blac on white. Hitler, when he done with that war and the Jewish, was going to exterminate the Slavic peoples.

    Google for “Generalplan Ost” for more info. Hitler wasn’t a demon or satan. He was far worse. And that was just the beginning…

    • William RikerOP
      2 years ago

      Stalin was brutal, yes, but he had to be to save to world from Nazism. Without Stalin there would be no Slavic people left. There would be no Ukraine, no Russia, no Poland, No Baltic states, etf

      He wasn’t kind to them. But Hitler was going to kill them all. We know this for a fact!

      Estonia, Ukraine, Poland, etc only exists because Stalin saved them from the Nazis