It seems the US is on a warpath. They really do want china to invade. Hopefully this game of chicken doesn’t end in nuclear annihilation.

  • @holdengreen
    132 years ago

    USA elite are just gonna keep isolating themselves. Everyone already hates them and they have no friends. Crazy they still convince people to do their dirty work for them.

    • PeeOnYou [he/him]
      82 years ago

      A little bit of power and privilege go a long way towards bending hearts and minds

      • @holdengreen
        112 years ago

        World would be better if people woke up and realized that money isn’t real.

        • @mylifeforaiur
          112 years ago

          Starvation is real and we have to step over homeless people every day to remind us what happens if we step out of line.

          • @holdengreen
            72 years ago

            At some point enough people will have enough and do something about it since society is a bunch of social relations. Same with money. Those paper/gold/digital units have little value out side of the social context and we have some ability to augment our business relations.