From what I’ve heard is that:

  1. Azov and other Ukro-nazi groups having been mostly in the immediate front lines since 2014.
  2. 250k+ Ukrainian soldiers are now wounded or dead.

I’m also noticing far less pictures/videos of Ukro nazis coming from the semi-pro Russian sources.

I’m beginning to wonder whether the current situation is that the ultra-nationalists are now dead and the current and larger Ukrainian force that’s currently fighting consist of non-nationalists that are US worshippers wannabe EU citizens.
And that those Ukrainians are constantly begging Zelensky for weapons coming from the EU or US or they won’t fight.


I would like to add that I got the impression of “Azov on the frontlines in Donbass” from listening to the Duran, Gonzalo Lira and others.
They used to talk a lot about them and now it seems to be solely about artillery weapons, further sanctions and advances on the battlefield.

I remember being shown a video clip where Zelensky was talking to his soldiers prior to the war in the Donbass to return home and they just flat out ignored their president’s orders.

There was also a clip of an Azov nazi talking about how his phone list how half of it had become a list of dead friends. And this happened months ago in I think Mariupol.

I think I read or heard it again a few weeks ago from another Azov nazi in around the Sverodonetsk area and it was even worse, 80% is how I remember it.

  • @RedSquid
    222 years ago

    Every now and then on telegram there are photos of pows covered in tattoos or swastikas, photorealistic images of Hitler, alongside Ukrainian nationalist symbols like the trizub. So they are definitely still around. As others have said, the Azov battalion (now regiment, they’re an official part of the AFU) are only one such organization, many others exist and even outside of those explicitly fascist paramilitary orgs, there are plenty of ‘regular’ AFU soldiers who are avowed fascists or at the very least Banderites.

    On top of that, the government itself is still explicitly fond of Bandera and other historical monsters like him, they are still acting with genocidal intent towards the population of the south and east of the Ukraine, they still promote the idea of Russians as sub-human “orcs”.

    Lastly there is a really sharp and… tbh I think maybe irreperable divide now between the western, nationalist Ukrainians who have been poisoned by fascist indoctrination from emigrés returning since the 90s and the eastern, pro-Russian, or Soviet-nostalgic Ukrainians on the other. It would take generations at this point to reconcile, and frankly, if the nationalists are going to keep upholding Nazi collaborators and perpetrators of the holocaust, I don’t think reconciliation is even worthwhile. But hey, they’ll fit right in with the fascist and colonial apologia of the west now :P