So it’s been two years and the majority of the US still pushes Wuhan as the origin of the pandemic.

What is the counter-narrative/truth to this position ? Any evidence come up in the last couple of years? Thank you.

  • No Más
    2 years ago

    It’s not illegal to medicate against the pathogens in industrialised animal rearing because in those places it is easier to contain the spread due to the implication of an industry, that has it’s own enforcement mechanisms, and often times, is based on the scaling up of scientific practices itself, but with wet markets that have to be cracked down upon, the issue is there are many people eating from what has been scientifically discovered to be likely to give you a contagious disease. Something that I also find has it’s own literature in international law, and for good reason.

    If it’s risky enough to demand border controls since ages (see history of epidemics), the inherent problem doesn’t become the industrialisation of race-specific preferences (if you may argue that wet markets are an industry), but the common good of humanity.

    • loathesome dongeater
      22 years ago

      So what are suggesting? Shutting down of wet markets entirely or regulating them?

      • No Más
        32 years ago

        Regulation, comrade.