Apologies for the url being a screenshot, for some reason the lemmur app won’t let me paste in the URL box, so here’s the link to the article: https://www.democracynow.org/2022/8/1/headlines/house_speaker_pelosi_will_visit_taiwan_despite_warnings_from_china

US is feeling really ballsy lately. Would be hilarious if their response was to start meeting with leaders of seperatists in Hawaii, Texas, Puerto Rico, Alaska, even California lmao. Do you guys think they’re trying to force a confrontation while Russia is bogged down in Ukraine? Kinda seems like that is their goal. Bog down Russia as long as possible and while Russia is busy take advantage of US having all of Europe in a firm bloc? They are also trying to form a bloc I feel to slow down the insane amount of trade china does with Europe, but if they keep up the sanctions on Russia and China we may see some European countries go neutral or even side with china out of pure economic necessity. The US economy is collapsing and dollar hegemony in waning- even Saudi Arabia is now trading with china in yuan.

  • @KommandoGZD
    2 years ago

    I mean there are some serious economic and geopolitical forces at play here that make it somewhat of a goal to engage China, keep them off the semiconductors and possibly move the chip hegemony back to the US mainland…

    But seriously what in the possible fuck do the Yanks think they’re doing here? It’s not gonna work. Worst case is a direct military escalation leading us right to the edge of the nuclear brink. Best case this is gonna wreck a reeling global economy even further. China isn’t going to take this. They’ve made their red line more than clear and all their PLA posting the last couple days should have strongly reinforced that line.

    This is insanity.