• diegeticscream[all]🔻OP
    52 years ago

    Yeah, there are some weirdo unhinged meme accounts that are “proud patsocs”. The one I screenshotted here is pretty much that

    • @SaddamHussein24
      52 years ago

      Ive never encountered them so i thought your post was an attack on Caleb Maupin and similar people, which i find stupid. My apologies, those accounts do look quite stupid indeed

      • diegeticscream[all]🔻OP
        62 years ago

        Idk, I don’t really care for what I’ve seen from Maupin, but I really don’t know enough to criticize him with any actual knowledge.

        I really just meant to hate on the account I posted, but it seems to have sparked a much broader discussion.

        I hope we can facilitate some good discussions out of it! 🙂